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Friday, 5 April 2013

Acne No More Review : Yes Vitamins, Not the Hot Vapors

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), 85% of adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 24 years, suffer from it, with 25% of them become permanent signs - mild or severe - because of it. However, acne can affect people of any age:    it is estimated that two out of ten adults have active acne - among those included celebrities such as actresses she is 26 years, and another, 39 years of age, and another 27 years). But while acne is curable, only 11% of patients addressed to a doctor, according to the AAD. Two in ten targeted at beauty salons, nearly four in ten do absolutely nothing, while three in ten use non-prescription medications and cosmetics. As Researcher explains dermatologist, Doctor of Medicine, in most cases, acne can be treated. The goal of treatment, which lasts at least two months, is to reduce the redness of the skin and do not go more pimples.

However, current treatments cannot reverse the signs of acne, unless resorting to methods like e.g. lasers or chemical peel but not made specifically for acne, but generally for the scars on the face. Experts answers, to some of the most common questions about acne:
What is the difference between pimples and acne?
There is no medical separation. Just some people mistakenly believe that one should have a lot of pimples to believe that suffers from acne or just that if you go to the doctor of pimples, acne is. None of both,

When should I go to a dermatologist?

Good to go if:
- If you have tried at least two different methods of self-help, which did not work.
- If your pimples worse.
- If the acne started to leave marks on your face.
- If you feel so bad about your face, so most trouble with everyday life.

Why administered antibiotics for acne?
There are more than 100 treatments on prescription to treat acne.
Many types of antibiotics are useful, because fighting the bacteria behind the outbreak of inflamed acne, the main feature of which is the swelling and redness in pimples. However, antibiotics do not help the blackheads.

Antibiotics can be taken orally and / or be spread on the skin. Therapy is usually long (six months or more).

What is the best treatment for acne?
No one treatment suitable for everyone. Acne can be treated effectively and externally (e.g. with ointments) and internally (with pills). The kind of appropriate treatment depends on each individual patient.  If you want to get rid acne problems permanently, go to the Mike Walden Program Acne No More Review.

What we must remember is that if you start treatment with antibiotics and stopping abruptly can temporarily revive the edge, so ask your dermatologist what can happen when you finish your treatment.
Can vitamins help?

There are certain nutrients that may help, but you should take after a consultation with a dermatologist to know what does is needed.

The omega-3 fatty acids (found mostly in fish, but as supplements) are recommended for faster healing, fighting infection and improved cell function.

Vitamin A, which reduces sebum (fat), has been found to be very effective for treating acne, so I added in many prescription ointments. Vitamin E in liquid form can help combat scars, but because they are too fat to be used sparingly. Zinc, finally, also can help because it has anti-inflammatory properties.

They can help the sauna and the hot vapors?
Although the report of the face or body in hot vapors causes sweating and opens pores, increases the secretion of sebum and ultimately do more harm than good. That is why it is recommended for those who have acne, avoid these treatment methods.

You can blame my diet?
Much is said about the role of diet in acne is widespread belief that anyone who has acne should avoid foods such as chocolate, fried foods, sweets, too much fat, even milk. However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support these views. However, because eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish generally helps the body, the more healthy is your diet and the more benefits your skin. If, however, you have noticed that there are some foods that aggravate your pimples, let's avoid.

Smoking and stress cause acne?
The findings of the studies and the two are contradictory, but they are so many other benefits to avoiding the one that would not hurt at all to remove them from your life.

To prevent scars, do not squeeze, scratch, and do not "break" your pimples - not to rub hard on your skin when you wash.”

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