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Saturday, 6 April 2013

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle <<>> Attention For More Muscle Building
Bodybuilders tend to have more muscle than those taking part in the study, so should they be sufficient maintenance dose of 3-5 g of creatine consecutive day. It is advised to take creatine in two or three divided doses of 1.5-2 g to ensure better absorption.

One of these doses should be taken after a workout, because of the better at this time to capture the ability of muscles (the remaining dose should be taken in the morning or evening). Creatine should always drink one liter or two of water and eat 50 grams of carbohydrates and 50 grams of protein, because the insulin increases the accumulation of creatine.

For each dose of creatine to add 250-500 mg of alpha-lipoic acid, it has been proven that taking 250 mg of ALA with creatine four times a day in healthy young men increases the amount of phosphocreatine in muscle. This increase is greater than that caused by insulin (each also received carbohydrate).

However, subjects did not rehearsed, so whether there is a synergy between the ALA and creatine in athletes requires further study. Glycogen is just one part of the carbohydrates into three parts water. It is, in addition to water and the same protein in the muscle, the main factor which affects the size of the muscle mass in the body.

Muscle intracellular water is not mixed with glycogen, as if it were stored in separate parts of the cell. This means that creatine increases muscle your way and on your glycogen and these actions add up.

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