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Saturday, 6 April 2013

Mike Walden's Acne No More - The Causes of Acne After 25

The teens who are concerned by acne, frequently find comfort in the thought that it will pass when they reach adulthood. But this is not as secure as the edge has now become evil that plagues many - especially women - for the rest of their lives. More than one in five women view with horror the unsightly, often painful skin condition to appear on their face after 25 or 35 years of age - even if they removed a single pimple in adolescence, according to a study by dermatologists from America. As announced a few months ago scientists from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, for reasons not yet well understood, adult acne takes a different form than what adolescents. So while teens pooping pimples mainly on the triangle starting from the front and down, right and left from the nose to "close" the chin, the 30s and 20 something women tend to be scattered pimples on their face deep into the skin and are more cysts and more difficult to deal with. In addition, adult acne tends to flare up and remissions, with 85% of women report the maximum surge before and after menstruation.

The whole problem is believed to be associated with various aspects of modern life, like the increasingly intense stress experienced by women during the act, a dermatologist at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, US, as he explains, the last 20 years has significantly increased the number of women with new onset acne. "I think it's time to reassess what we know about acne," says the newspaper “Daily Mail” and if you want to get rid acne problems permanently, go to the Mike Walden Program Acne No More Review.

"It is widely accepted how much impact the lives of adult women. In many of these acne manifests time trying to match career and family together. "Many of my patients have stressful jobs and many problems to deal with. And the most interesting thing is that many of them have not experienced particular problem acne during adolescence. “Cosmetics and obesity Stress is just one of the aspects of modern life that can trigger acne in women, according to Researcher, representative of the American Society of Dermatology. Other parameters are the spread of obesity, the use of unsuitable cosmetics, but the habit of many women not fade probing their face before going to bed.

"It is well documented that hormonal changes play an important role in the appearance of acne, leading to overactive sebaceous glands," he says. "The most common cause of an overactive this is the increased androgen production, such as occurs in PCOS that affects at least one in four women.

Increased androgen production has in overweight or obese women because the unnecessary fat tissue converts androgens into estrogens. Both these situations conducive to acne," This makeup also can play a role. "If a woman uses unsuitable, heavy sunscreens and cosmetics and if fails careful bedtime, clogs the pores and creates conditions for development of acne," says experts: "It is wrong to use a 20 year old woman cosmetics 50s, while equally big mistake is to bleach patched and tucked to bed. "

Role in adult acne can play and nutrition. "The oily and fattening foods do not cause acne, but the burden," explains Expert: "Examples of such foods are snacks, sweets, creams milk, fried foods, soft drinks with sugar, generally those related to increased adipose tissue. It has been found that overweight and obese adolescents have more severe acne than adolescents with normal weight. "

The first rule in treating acne apply regardless of age: do not crush pimples because it creates conditions for infection and scarring. Beyond that, the therapeutic arsenal includes various solutions, experts from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. There are for example local products, others of which require a prescription and other administered without it. The local products are of various kinds and contain substances with many roles. Some example help to remove the pore clogging, others reduce inflammation and regulate sebum, while there are those involved in antibiotic action. In severe cases, acne can be administered systemic treatment, i.e. drugs taken orally. This category includes antibiotics and specific drugs for acne, retinoid, which, however, are contraindicated in women who are pregnant or trying to become because of the risk of serious birth defects in the fetus.

For the treatment of acne is also laser or the most advanced photodynamic therapy, when experts,          the laser treatment reduces mainly sebum production and inflammation that causes the characteristic redness in pimples. Photodynamic therapy combats inflammation and acne bacterium, which is essentially responsible for the pus having pimples. In photodynamic therapy is not used harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation but clean, visible light, so it is painless, without side effects. When a woman has severe, cystic acne, first smeared the skin with a special substance and then exposed to visible light.”

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