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Saturday, 6 April 2013

The Anabolic Cookbook - Fat Burning Process For Muscle Growth

It is seen from the many reviews and descriptions that the process of fat burning is completely opposite muscle building process. It is as if one person at the same time he wanted to go to the right and left at the same time.

I mentioned that, unfortunately, when it works in our body tissue building hormone (as muscle and fat) - insulin, the hormone does not work the opposite, that is, those that lead to energy stored in fat cells. We are compared to the junction with orderly movement of vehicles. When some are light green - then go, be active, while the latter have a red light that tells them to remain still in a passive state.Article Resource By Anabolic Cooking

As shown in this example, as it is not possible simultaneous ignition of all light green, so it is not possible (except for special cases) at the same time to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. So do not believe the commercials for "miracle plant", which at the same time to expand your muscles and burn fat. The fact is that the same man after dropping a few kilos of fat looks likes a much more muscular than before.

This is, however, some optical illusion. gained it after all, the proportion of the width of the shoulders and chest to the waist, as well as further outlined muscles always seem bigger than the ones that are the same size, but covered by subcutaneous tissue fat (this is where we come to the heart of bodybuilding, which not only has the same muscle mass, but their quality).

Contrast; above this change in your body shape first of all owes you a proper diet, supported by adequate training.

Look at my web site; Dave Ruel

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