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Monday, 7 January 2013


One day at all did not rise from the bed; her whole body ached, refused to work. A series of tests revealed a total body exhaustion and depression.

 It took two weeks before she was released from the hospital. Physically, she was much better, mentally it was not so good, but with antidepressants could stand it.

 What was worst was the sheer emotional coldness. Now, six months later, we are on the Nada can speak: I looked at my children, who I love, but I did not feel anything only a complete void.

It was horrible and it took a long four months. Add to that a high level of commitment, excess stress and imbalance between work and private life.

Do you recognize it? Welcome to the world revision!
Claustrophobia is a form of neurosis, which is in contrast to agoraphobia manifests insurmountable fear of enclosed spaces castor phobic.

Often suffer from agoraphobia at the same time it is the anxiety that engulfs man when moving away from its protected environment and finds him in the open air Claustrophobia occurs in anxious individuals who make too worried because of work, and its plans because of what they should generally pay.

 He feels the prisoners of their activities. Such a person suppresses a lot of his ideas, whether it desires or aggression mental block.

 It is important to realize that the problem with claustrophobia bothering you so that the body showed what you experience in your heart because of his morbid desire to do everything perfectly. It's time you had opened the door of his prison, because the key from him in your hands only for yourself.

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