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Sunday, 6 January 2013

Jump Manual Review - Stressor depleting energy sources

There are six stressors depleting energy resources of young mothers:-
1. Lack of respite. The mother is responsible for the child 24 hours a day, especially when it can not, at least temporarily leave their children in the care of relatives or husband.

2. Whims and antics of children are able to break all sorts of plans. Children are constantly fussing around, "no time" stain diapers at the supermarket they suddenly finds wild obstinacy, cut his fingers just when the mother gathered to send a hair, etc. Any mother would spend hours talking about such unexpected incidents. Psychologists know that a constant unpredictability - a heavy load on the mind and nerves.

3. Gross non prestige. Many mothers are lost when they are asked where they work. Only a very few of them can, at all without losing self-respect, to say, "I'm the household and bring up our children".

4. Fear - Those who (still) do not have children, can not imagine what a mother (and, of course, the father too) always concerned health affairs and the fate of his son. Well it grows? In time he learned to speak? Does he have any friends? Well if he is studying? Until his last breath, his mother can not stop thinking about her children.

5. Sacrifice. So ordered nature, and that we, the people, too, have their instincts. Therefore, in the first place needs a helpless creature and then mother's needs. Many mothers have grown up children are not able to get used to the fact that once again can enjoy themselves and their desires, and can once again play first violin.

6. Financial dependence. Many women depressesconsciousness that they are, at least temporarily, will not have their own money. Often, when they are not solved in a time buy something, what they really want. After all, it would be for the purchase of "his" money.

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